Bee Book for Children: join Izzie Lizzie Busy Bee as she forages across the countryside.

Bee Book for Children: join Izzie Lizzie Busy Bee as she forages across the countryside.
Wildlife inspired illustrations and books
Welcome to Izzie Lizzie's Life of the Honey Bee
As do many, many honey bees across the country and the world, Izzie flies over a three or four mile radius from her hive in search of nectar, pollen and water.
Join us as we celebrate her life and share with you news, ideas and activities relating to her story, highlighting the honey bee's amazing and productive life through our book and websites.
News from the Hive

While you are here ...........
Welcome to our story, a place where we can share with you what inspires our writing and illustrations.
Our aim is to draw together threads from the nature we love,
highlighting the value in supporting the wildlife around us from the ground upwards.
We don't all need to become beekeepers.
However we can all help by looking after the plant life supporting the pollinators for future flowers and crops.
We invite you to explore our content. Please reach out and engage—we are happy to hear from you, as well.