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Blog about Bees, Wildlife and Nature, Flowers, Art, Books

Honey Bees in the June Gap
Spring flowers, hawthorn, fruit tree blossom and an abundance of oil seed rape (as seen in the image below) have all finished. This is...

Honey Bees in May
Honey bees in May can swarm to take up new home in an empty hive. Find out the unusual way they enter their new home!

Flood Risk to Honey Bees and April Showers
By the beginning of April, spring should be well on the way, and the hive building up to take advantage of the main nectar flow across...

Hens and Honey Bees
Can you keep hens and honey bees together. Have you eaten a green egg for breakfast? Find answers to these questions and more about bees.

Honey Bees in March
Honey bees in March can suffer if wind damages their homes. Find out a simple way to keep them safe on those blustery days.

March Flowers for the Hungry Bees
The hungry bees need food and are on the lookout for nectar and pollen in March; what are the flowers and is the daffodil a favourite?

Honey Bees in February
Honey bees in February need to be protected from hungry birds such as woodpeckers attacking the hive for young bee larvae. Protect with nets

Honey Bees in January
On cold, short, winter days honey bees in January stay huddled together around the queen for warmth in their hive.

Nitrogen Fixation
Dandelions, clover, nitrogen fixation and Izzie Lizzie Busy Bee! Blog post about companion plants and sources of food and nectar for bees!

Izzie Quizzie fun facts
Izzie Quizzie fun facts about honey bees. Discover more as we unravel our journey creating a children's nature book about a honey bee.

Nature Book for Children
Book Cover 'Izzie Lizzie Busy Bee' - discover more about writing and illustrating a children's nature book about a honey bee's summer.

Busy, busy just like Izzie
Izzie Lizzie has been feasting on lavender, roses and other spring over the last month or so, helping to build up the hive for the main...

Research - What do children like to read?
Research - what do children like to read? We set about looking into this by speaking with relatives in the teaching and book professions.

Brainstorming 3: Page by page
Page by page we reviewed progress made on our children's nature book about a honey bee - would we make the deadline for The Bookseller?

Brainstorming 2: Map importance and development
We discussed the map layout and how this was represented in the illustrations. The scenery, farm, apiary and surroundings were key. The...

Brainstorming 1: Time to really focus
Putting aside time to really focus on writing and illustrating our children's nature book about honey bees needs to be prioritised.

Honey Bee Countdown
Honey bee countdown - making the most of our days in the countdown to our first serious deadline in creating a children's book about bees.

Time for a story
It's time for a story - about our honey bee - but certain things need to be in place early to meet The Bookseller's deadlines.

Catch Up with the Book Creators
Much has happened since the start of our children's nature book project about our bee Izzie Lizzie! Work on the book, now with the...

An annual shower of multifarious dust. Hollyhock flowers produce lots of pollen and are visited by many insects. This bumble bee is so...
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