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Our Portfolio
Welcome to our portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of our work. Explore our projects to learn more about what we do.

Books related to bees and beekeeping
Val's father, Norman Chapman's put together a book of DIY projects 'Constructive Beekeeping' developed over many years to help with his beekeeping tasks. During the course of this, they realised his photos of the frames of bees in his hive made an interesting book 'Inside a Beehive'. Another of Norman's interests in bees resulted in his 'Pollen Microscopy' book, all compiled, edited and published by Val. All available from Amazon, or direct from Val.

Illustrated Bee Garden Journal
My garden is a natural magnet to wild bees but it could do with more bee-friendly plants.
Each year I take photos and sketch bees outside, surrounded by their wonderful buzz in the air - always with plans to record who is visiting but mostly to enjoy the atmosphere they bring to the garden.
Each year I take photos and sketch bees outside, surrounded by their wonderful buzz in the air - always with plans to record who is visiting but mostly to enjoy the atmosphere they bring to the garden.

Flower Photography
Appreciation of the stunning flowers and had great fun with the flower photography and tracking down the flowers to accompany the pollen drawings in the 'Pollen Microscopy' book.

Bird Books for Children
You’ll never look at a garden bird again without a smile!
....Unless you’re a cat!
A charming collection of stories told in narrative verse for children about a bird who is stuck indoors over winter, waiting to be released back to the woods in time for spring.
....Unless you’re a cat!
A charming collection of stories told in narrative verse for children about a bird who is stuck indoors over winter, waiting to be released back to the woods in time for spring.

A Changing Landscape for Foraging Honey Bee
A bee landscape map.
Capturing the changing landscapes to be navigated by our bee for the story - the different weather, changes to the flowers available to her and other things that will be taken into account, plus some references/ideas for inspiration...
Capturing the changing landscapes to be navigated by our bee for the story - the different weather, changes to the flowers available to her and other things that will be taken into account, plus some references/ideas for inspiration...

Alex and Friends
A delightful illustrated story with book, transcript and audio CD for consolidating fluency in Spanish, Italian, French, German, Russian or English. The book of illustrations, and all CDs available from Amazon or direct from Val.
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