Much has happened since the start of our children's nature book project about our bee Izzie Lizzie!
Work on the book, now with the hard-won title of Izzie Lizzie Busy Bee has been swiftly moving along and we have had some daily catch-ups over the past week to really focus on what we want to capture in the story.
Spring is unmistakably in the air and even feels like summer with the heatwave over the Bank Holiday weekend! Bees are noticeably buzzing in symphony with the chirping garden birds and a gentle breeze towards the evening has been welcome.
It's a new stage in the seasonal calendar and, as promised earlier in the year, now seems a good time for a few more details about our lovely book.

So here we go..
#1 - Who is the book for?
It’s for young readers to enjoy the country scenes, share in the adventures of a foraging honey bee, and appreciate the significance of the landscape providing food for the bees, and ultimately us as well.
#2 - What next?
The book will be launched on the first day of this year's National Honey Show 26th October 2023.
#3 - How can someone follow progress?
It's easy!
Subscribe to our blog
Follow/like on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
Come to our events.
#4 - Can we meet the authors/illustrator/publisher?
Yes – come and see us at the National Honey Show later this year, happy to chat and you can buy the book with related illustrations and prints available too!
#5 - What else is going on?
Our new social media sites were set up earlier in the year; find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Discover more about bees , birds, wildlife, gardens and the countryside that inspires us from in and around the south of England, here on our website:
Wildlife books and illustrations
Our shop and services available
We’ll have a stand for the book and artwork at the National Honey Show, plus:
Shopping at the trade hall for bee-related gifts and products
Spectacular display at the National Show of entry classes for honey, hive products and associated invention and artistic classes and exhibits. There are also classes for juniors and school/scout groups to show their skills. You don't have to be a beekeeper to enter, check out the schedule:
Come on our journey with us - keep in touch and help share news about bees, wildlife and the countryside gardens and fields on social media. We hope to have a few downloadable goodies for you later in the summer, so do pop back!
Don't forget to leave a comment if you'd like more information about the creators and/or publisher and subscribe/join us for regular updates on our social media channels.