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Honey Bees in February

What's in store for Izzie Lizzie and other busy Honey Bees in February

Throughout our story there are fun facts about bees with hints as to how we can help. We all know there is not much food around for insects, birds and honey bees in February, and while they have adapted with ways of coping and gritting through, it's tough to survive.Winter is the hungry time of year. Stores are running seriously low yet we're getting towards time to gear up to the breeding season.

Honey bees in February
Honey bees in February - the hungry woodpecker

During any days in February when the weather is mild, the sun shines and some flowers are producing nectar and pollen, bees will be flying. They need to deposit waste outside the hive, which can result in a hasty cloud of pooh, and find food to tide them over.

Among the bird life, woodpeckers are looking for snacks, and a beehive promises a feast of yummy fat larvae.

In their search for food, woodpeckers can reduce a beehive to matchsticks. So a beekeeper may need to devise a way to keep his hives safe. Find out how Izzie Lizzie's hive is protected early in the year in our new story: "Izzie Lizzie Busy Bee".


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